Miami Beach, FL – September 28, 2024 – The Miami Fashion Brilliance event, hosted by CM Club in partnership with Habitat Hyett, took place yesterday at th...
In New York City's Versa, the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation (SWCRF) recently hosted a cocktail party to kick off two significant fundraising events:...
Elle Varner is a Grammy-Award-winning singer-songwriter. When she unveiled her first studio album, titled Perfectly Imperfect, in 2012, it debuted at the top of...
Have you ever had that moment?
That moment when you find this amazing person who you think is your soul mate, BFF and partner-in-crime. You tell them your de...
Not everyone has a snuggle bunny, or a bubba bear to take away on romantic weekends, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all the fun. Sometimes the be...
I am a really crap Wingman. Now before you all rush to reassure me on my hook-up assisting prowess, I must lay bare the facts.
The other day, while catching...
It’s come to my attention that adult life- a career, a house, a kid- doesn’t simply manifest itself of it’s own volition. Apparently, you have to like,...
No one in my family is quite sane enough to act as a barometer of normality. We are rudderless, left to wander out into strange and unexplored territory, confu...
Why is it that every time I slot myself back briefly into the parental nest, I wind up looking like a degenerate drunk in need of rehab?
You see, I am mildly...
Summer is upon us and it’s a good time now to reflect on your beauty collections and figure out what you’ll be needing to get through the warmer months looking ...